Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Texas Route 66 - Glenrio

GLENRIO, TEXAS. The Texas Longhorn Motel, Cafe and Service Station, referred to by modern day 66ers as the "First and Last Motel in Texas" because of its signature, if decaying, sign. This run down portion of the complex was once the cafe, and the old motel section is not faring much better, left to the weeds out back. It's hard to believe that this ghost town was once a busy 66 thoroughfare, but Homer Ehresman and his family ran a successful business here in the 1950's and 60's. In the 1970's, the new interstate killed the business and Glenrio, so much so that Route 66 has been reduced to dirt roads leading into and out of town. It is most easily accessed by the mysterious sounding Exit 0 on I-40, for those of us traveling in little rental cars.

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